How to do Puppy Pose (Uttana Shishosana)

3 min de lectura
How to do Puppy Pose (Uttana Shishosana)

How to do Puppy Pose (Uttana Shishosana), which can be both a resting posture and an intense chest and throat opener.

Por Ann Pizer who has been practicing and writing about yoga for over 20 years. Publicado el: 28th August 2024

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    Puppy Pose Basics

    Sanskrit Meaning: Uttana (Intense) Shisho (Puppy) Asana (Pose)
    Yoga Level: Beginner
    Pose Type: Kneeling
    Benefits of Puppy Pose:
    • Stretches your back muscles.
    • Elongates your spine.
    • Opens your shoulders.
    • Opens your chest.
    • Opens your throat.

    Key Alignment Cues to Keep in Mind

    1. Hips Over Knees
    Keeping your butt high is what differentiates Puppy from Child’s Pose. Keep your hips over your knees and your thighs perpendicular to the floor.
    2. Don’t Collapse
    Lower your chest toward the floor with control by pressing into your hands to keep your arms active.
    3. Choose Your Head Position
    Bringing your chin to the floor is a strong stretch for your throat and neck, so it’s not right for everyone. Forehead to the mat is a more accessible alternative.

    Step By Step Instructions

    1. Begin in a hands-and-knees position at the front of your mat with your pelvis stacked over your knees and your shoulders stacked over your wrists. If you have sensitive knees, use a Yoga Pad under them for extra comfort and support.
    2. Begin to walk your palms forward. Once your hands are off the front end of your mat, it may become easier to slide the palms forward.
    3. Keep your pelvis stacked over your knees the whole time.
    4. When your arms are in full extension, continue to press into your palms to avoid collapsing your chest toward the floor.
    5. Experiment to find what feels good here. Some people’s chests will easily melt towards the floor; others may prefer to stay more elevated. Some people like to bring their chins to the mat for an intense throat-opening experience; others find that forehead to the mat feels better.
    6. When you are done, press strongly into your hands to lift your chest and walk your hands back under your shoulders.

    Preparatory and Counter Poses 

    Cat-Cow Stretches are good both before and after Puppy Pose. They loosen up the whole spine, including the thoracic and cervical vertebrae that Puppy targets.

    Why We Love Puppy Pose

    With your forehead on the floor, Puppy Pose can be a resting position. It’s as if Downward Facing Dog and Child’s Pose had a baby. However, if you go for your chin on the floor, Puppy changes its nature and becomes a powerful stretch for the throat, opening the Vishuddha Chakra, which can clear blocked channels of communication. It also opens your chest and helps fight the hunched-over posture associated with too much screen time. Puppy is a little pose with a lot of power!

    Little Dog

    There are lots of opportunities to incorporate Puppy Pose into your yoga practice in different ways. It can be used as an alternative to Child’s Pose when you need a rest or to deeply stretch the heart centre and throat in an unconventional way. Explore your Puppy and see what you find!

    Por Ann Pizer who has been practicing and writing about yoga for over 20 years.

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