Tierra B aka YogiTB aka Bald Head Yoga Girl in the Front & I am a native of Prince George's County, MD. My background stems from Law Enforcement and Wellness. I am a yoga & mindfulness instructor, student, and fitness enthusiast. On top of my yoga practice, I body-build as well. I truly believe that you are capable of accomplishing whatever you are intentional about. I have been practicing for over 15 years and teaching for over 6 years. I am not only 200hr certified, but I specialise in Sports, Trauma-Focused, and Prison Yoga. I hold retreats, curate dope events, teach pop-ups, and more! My audience ranges from beginners and foster youth to athletes on all levels. I truly love what I do and the ability to connect with so many amazing people all over the world, literally.
Being a recipient of this grant is such an honor because it will give me the opportunity to show up for my tribe even more. Hiring a team has always been my dream, so this will go towards that and building my brand so I can show up better for my community. I will be able to offer several new services. I have an online beginner hip-opening course. I will be able to purchase tools for my classes as well. Such as bolsters, blocks, mats, and straps. I will also be able to provide mentoring services on a higher level for up-and-coming instructors. This grant is so important because many instructors of color do not receive the resources and assistance; or better yet, even the opportunity to teach and share their practice on a higher level. There is a certain "aesthetic" that the majority of wellness/yoga brands go for and to be honest a lot of instructors of color do not fit the mold. So we must create safe spaces for ourselves.
One of my biggest goals is to open a wellness center for my community. This will be a place where individuals can come flow, pray/meditate, receive massage services, and more. So many times you attend a yoga class and as soon as it's over, you gather your things, freshen up, and leave. There is rarely an inviting energy that you can stay for a second after the class is over. MY wellness center will be an inviting and safe space for so many.
Exciting news! I cannot spill all the beans just yet... but mark your calendars for Nov. 18th. A special special event is coming to AZ led by yours truly! Also... 2024 retreat season will be live very soon!! I can't wait to create memories with you all!!Thank you so much Liforme for this opportunity to share and grow!