Plastic pollution in the world’s oceans is such a huge environmental catastrophe that contemplating a solution can be overwhelming. What can you do to help? How can any individual contribute meaningfully? CleanHub have figured out a way.
Plastic Pollution at Sea Begins on Land
The Great Pacific Garbage Patch is an immense, rotating soup of waste composed primary of micro-plastics. Plastic doesn’t biodegrade; it breaks into smaller and smaller pieces, which can kill marine organisms and block the sunlight that allows algae and plankton to develop below the surface, disrupting the food chain. Harmful chemicals from plastics are also leeched into the sea water. There are also large garbage patches of plastic in the Atlantic and Indian Oceans. (Source: National Geographic)
The solution to cleaning up the oceans is vastly complicated, involving the cooperation of many nations and the development of new technologies. Cleanup is obviously crucial, but prevention is just as important. Approximately 80% of the plastic waste in the ocean originates on land. Stopping this plastic from entering waterways is an effective first step and the means and technologies are readily available. That’s what CleanHub is all about.

How to Keep Plastics Out of the Ocean
CleanHub’s approach is simple: partner with under-resourced waste management organisations in coastal regions of developing countries to collect, track, and dispose of plastic trash. Here’s how it works:
• Pay locals to pick up and sort plastic that otherwise would go uncollected, which keeps trash out of waterways and landfills and improves the socio-economic situations of the workers.
• Recycle collected plastic whenever possible.
• Send non-recyclable plastic to be co-processed into fuel.
• Track impacts digitally in real time through the process of collection, sorting, and processing.
CleanHub allows brands and individuals to make an immediate, traceable difference in the fight against plastic pollution.

In honour of Earth Day 2024, and to kick off our partnership with CleanHub with a bang, Liforme is funding the collection of 10,000 kg of plastic. That’s roughly equivalent to one million (!) plastic bottles that will be kept out of the sea!
CleanHub has facilitated the processing of over 8 million kgs of plastic to date. That’s 8 million kgs of trash that’s been kept out of the oceans. Liforme can’t wait to continue contributing meaningfully to this powerful project.