Easy Pose Basics
Sanskrit Meaning: Sukha (Comfort) Asana (Pose)
Yoga Level: Beginner
Pose Type: Seated
Benefits: Opens the hips and groins, improves your posture.
Props: blanket, bolster, blocks
How to Use Props for a More Comfortable Seat
If your knees are above your hips when you sit cross-legged, do yourself a huge favour and place props under your sit bones to lift your pelvis until your knees are below your hips. Sitting on a block, two blocks, a bolster, or any number of folded blankets makes this pose so much more comfortable. You will be able to elongate your spine instead of rounding it, relieve hip pain, and sit for longer.
Step-by-Step Instructions
1. Prepare your sitting area with props as described above.
2. Come to sit cross-legged with your butt on the prop and your knees on the floor.
3. Any position of your legs is acceptable. Here are a few possibilities:
- Tuck each foot under the opposite shin.
- Bring one heel in towards your groin and align the other heel in front of it, which widens your knees.
- Bring one foot on top of the opposite calf.
4. Whatever the configuration of your legs, stack your shoulders over your hips.
5. Keep your neck long, your gaze level, and your shoulders sliding down your back.
6. Take your hands into Anjali mudra or bring your palms to rest on your thighs facing up for receptivity or down for grounding.

Beginners’ Tip
Almost everyone can benefit from using a prop under their seat in this pose, from beginners on up to advanced yogis. The goal of this pose is comfort. Props help accomplish this goal.
Variations on Sukhasana
Related postures include:
- Bound Angle (Baddha Konasana), in which you press the soles of your feet together and open your knees.
- Half Lotus (Ardha Padmasana), in which you move one foot into the opposite hip crease.
You can still use props under your seat in these related postures.
Be at Ease
If you’ve always panicked a little when a ‘comfortable, cross-legged’ seat is called for, props will make all the difference. You’ll be feeling a lot more ease in Easy Pose when your knees are below your hips.
Featured Yoga Mat: Mindful Garden in Olive/Floral