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Learn how to do Sphinx Pose (Salamba Bhujangasana) with expert alignment tips from Liforme. Elevate...
Learn Fish Pose (Matsyasana) to bring some variety to your yoga backbending practice. Liforme’s expert...
In addition to improving your strength and flexibility, yoga has enormous benefits for mental health....
Yoga makes a great complementary movement practice to running. Best poses for your pre- and...
Extended Side Angle Pose is an opportunity to stretch your side body from heel to...
Standing on one leg in Warrior III strengthens your legs, feet, and core while improving...
Jumpstart your yoga home practice with a challenge: Sun Salutations B include Chair Pose, Warrior...
When you’re new to yoga home practice, Sun Salutations are your best friend. Our step-by-step...
Fight the hunch! Too much time looking at screens can give you a rounded spine...
In supine yoga poses, you lie on your back while stretching the legs, hips, and...
Standing poses are at the heart of flow yoga. Find inspiration and instructions for 30...
Hatha Yoga describes any physical yoga practice, but its purpose was once quite different. Hatha...