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Inspiring the Yoga community, the Liforme yoga blog provides insights, tips & tricks for yogis of all experiences from routines, poses and stories.

Yoga Poses Practice Reflect Inspire Lifestyle Beginners Environmentalism Mental Health Mindfulness
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3 Realistic Ways to Get More Yoga into Your Life
14th September 2023 3 Realistic Ways to Get More Yoga into Your Life By Ann Pizer

Is ‘practice more yoga' on your to-do list? Take that vague intention and turn it...

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How to Do Side Lunge Pose (Skandasana)
9th September 2023 How to Do Side Lunge Pose (Skandasana) By Ann Pizer

Skandasana, also called Side Lunge and Half Squat, is a great addition to your yoga...

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What do Parivrtta and Utthita Mean? 15 Common Sanskrit Names for Yoga Poses
22nd August 2023 What do Parivrtta and Utthita Mean? 15 Common Sanskrit Names for Yoga Poses By Ann Pizer

Sanskrit names for Yoga Poses are based around a core set of vocabulary. Learn words...

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11 Poses to Spice Up Your Yoga Routine
10th August 2023 11 Poses to Spice Up Your Yoga Routine By Ann Pizer

Our favourite under-the-radar alternatives to 11 common yoga poses are guaranteed to spice up your...

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How to Do Supine Spinal Twist Pose (Supta Matsyendrasana)
7th July 2023 How to Do Supine Spinal Twist Pose (Supta Matsyendrasana) By Ann Pizer

For a gentle yoga pose with a lot of power, try Supine Spinal Twist (Supta...

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How to do a Yoga Standing Forward Fold (Uttanasana)
5th July 2023 How to do a Yoga Standing Forward Fold (Uttanasana)

Uttanasana appears to be a very simple yoga pose but if you pay close attention...

How to Do Side Plank (Vasisthasana) with Variations for Beginning and Advanced Yogis
16th June 2023 How to Do Side Plank (Vasisthasana) with Variations for Beginning and Advanced Yogis By Ann Pizer

Side plank is a great way to build arm and core strength, and there are...

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17 Most Common Myths & Misconceptions about Yoga
13th June 2023 17 Most Common Myths & Misconceptions about Yoga By Ann Pizer

Misconceptions about yoga act as a barrier to entry. We’re busting some common myths so...

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How to Do Easy Pose (Sukhasana)
12th May 2023 How to Do Easy Pose (Sukhasana) By Ann Pizer

Sukhasana (Easy Pose) is any comfortable cross-legged sitting position. Here’s how to use props to...

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Outdoor Yoga & Forest Bathing: Connecting to Nature
10th May 2023 Outdoor Yoga & Forest Bathing: Connecting to Nature By Ann Pizer

Both Shinrin-yoku, the Japanese tradition of forest bathing, and Yoga are known to reduce stress....

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Yoga Pride: Liforme is Proud to Support GLAAD and LGBTQ Acceptance All Year
6th May 2023 Yoga Pride: Liforme is Proud to Support GLAAD and LGBTQ Acceptance All Year By Ann Pizer

In honour of Pride Month, a look at how yoga embraces our shared humanity and...

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The Power of Trees: How Reforestation Can Combat Climate Change
18th April 2023 The Power of Trees: How Reforestation Can Combat Climate Change By Ann Pizer

Sponsoring reforestation is a proactive way for companies and individuals to fight climate change. Find...

4 min read Read article

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Yoga Poses Practice Reflect Inspire Lifestyle Beginners Environmentalism Mental Health Mindfulness

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