An immersive trip in Japan where you’ll experience a beautiful mix of mindfulness, yoga, qigong
Dates: Thursday, November 28, 2024 - Thursday, December 5, 2024
Location: Kyushu and Kyoto, Japan
Host: Reclaim Yourself Retreats & James Rafael
Price: 3595
You’ll stay at a peaceful temple inn with gardens filled with fiery red leaves and meditate with a Zen master, eat meals cooked by a Michelin star chef and enjoy a traditional tea ceremony, ikebana flower art and soak in the onsen thermal baths. Then a change of pace as we zip into the beautiful city of Kyoto on the Shinkansen bullet train to stay in the old geisha district, explore more temples and gardens and enjoy delicious Japanese food.

Your first destination is the peaceful countryside of the Kunisaki Peninsula on the island of Kyushu, where we stay at a beautiful temple with its own onsen. Little developed, our location is dotted with sleepy hamlets and temples with verdant forests and paddy fields interspersed with craggy ridges and mountains.

Our resident Zen Buddhist priest will offer morning meditation sessions and James will lead a deeply held mindfulness and movement journey combining breath work, yoga and qigong. The Japanese art of chado, the timeless and gentle traditional tea ceremony and ikebana flower art with a local expert using wild flowers and plants are part of your retreat. Between your sessions you’ll have time to soak in the onsen and enjoy the beautiful temple gardens.

We will also have some exploring the area, including the old Samurai village of Kitsuki. We visit Tashibu-no-sho, a charming village with some of the most picturesque countryside found in Japan. We then walk along ancient pilgrims trails through forests to the spectacular Kumano Magai-butsu, the largest Buddha relief carvings in Japan that date back over 900 years.

Then it’s time to jump on the Shinkansen bullet train to the city of Kyoto. We have exclusive use of a boutique hotel near the Kamogawa river. Our time in Kyoto includes yoga at a local studio, meditation and lunch at Daitokuji temple along with a guided walking tour to Otagi Nenbutsu-ji, a temple famous for its rows of unique Buddha statues and Saihōji, a fairytale like moss temple. We also have a night tour of Gion, the famous geisha district and we will be eating are local cafes, noodle bars and restaurants to experience the many flavours and traditions of Japanese cuisine and there will be free time to explore the city at your own pace.
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Join Reclaim Yourself Retreats & James Rafael in our captivating yoga events. Experience expert-led sessions, delve into mindfulness practices, and elevate your yoga journey with these renowned instructors.

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