Transformational 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training
Transformational 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training
Open your heart. Discover your passion. Learn to share it.
Dates: Saturday, September 28, 2024 - Sunday, March 23, 2025
Location: Brighton, United Kingdom
Host: Anna Sugarman
Price: £2800

This comprehensive course – including asana, meditation, pranayama, philosophy, inquiry, functional anatomy, and methodology – will provide you with tools to develop your curiosity, deepen your practice, find your voice as a teacher, and use it compassionately, with integrity.

We've created a training for those who wish to create their own practice, for students who are ready to journey into teaching, and for existing teachers seeking to expand their instructing skills and knowledge and understanding of the science of yoga.

During seven amazing weekends, in a magical space in the heart of Brighton... Mornings begin with meditation and practice. Days are full of thorough study of the yoga postures, philosophy, methodology and more, taught by experts in their fields. Evenings conclude with practice teaching and self-reflection.

We provide pragmatic experience and study to assimilate and integrate new knowledge. The focus is on the individual voice – finding it and cultivating it by providing practical resources to make it effective.

In affirmation of the healing and preventative power of yoga as medicine – the study of asana-relevant anatomy is essential to our teacher trainings, including aspects of Ayurveda and Traditional Chinese Medicine. Riveting philosophy is sprinkled throughout the entire course, to showcase the relevance of the ancient science's texts, mantras and language to the modern practice and art of guiding.

We support each person in discovering their own practice, by helping define their truth, and nurturing that – as we believe it's deep rooted passion which illuminates the joy that will maintain a strong self-practice, and the ability and authenticity to share it with others.

Learn to incorporate the elements of yoga into purposeful sequencing. Practice teaching and receive feedback. Develop your skills and confidence. Discover your individual potential and unique voice as a teacher. Our creative approach in offering the technical, inspirational and business aspects of yoga will prepare you to shine your extraordinary light – on and off the mat.

Meditation. Pranayama. Asana. Philosophy. Anatomy. Music.
Yoga Lifestyle — Prevention & Healing. Flow State. Union.


• 16 days together – in-person!
• Monthly live calls reinforce and elevate what we practice in-person!
• Constant support – our online platform and community are available 24-7 – over 30 hours of comprehensive pre-recorded materials including tutorials and lectures.
• Begin teaching on day one!
• Deepen your practice, expand existing rituals and create new ones.
• Receive guidance, support and feedback to help you teach in a clear and confident way, as well as explore techniques to empower and teach your students safely.
• Discover your individual potential and unique voice as a teacher.
• Our creative approach in offering the technical, inspirational and business aspects of yoga will prepare you to share your teachings - on and off the mat.
• Learn to read bodies and provide appropriate adjustment/modifications/use of props.
• Flow state philosophy and breath work –ancient technology meets modern science.
• Become confident in incorporating the elements of yoga into purposeful and inclusive sequencing.
• Practical learn-and-try asana-relevant anatomy and how to balance stretch, strength and stability.
• Realise the relevance of traditional yogic philosophy through Inquiry-based study and discussion of classic texts.
• Create a safe, supportive classroom environment that welcomes students and builds a sense of community.
• Learn from leaders in the field, and passionate, dedicated yogis.
• Become part of our tribe.
• Unite with like-hearted souls who will likely comprise your inner circle happily ever after.
• Prepare to launch your yoga biz!


We are passionate about our practices and we intend to inspire you to create and maintain a strong self-practice too – one that works for you. It is our honor to support you in discovering your own practice, finding your individual voice, and exploring how to passionately, authentically share it. Clear objectives, feedback and guidance will fuel your soul as you become a brilliant teacher – for yourself and your students.

Anna (senior teacher, E-RYT 500, Continuing Education provider for Yoga Alliance, international yogini and teacher trainer, grateful wife, happy mother, dance enthusiast, rockstar-at-heart and astro physicist wanna-be) and her soulmate Rich (yogi, breath and meditation expert, anatomy guru, sports therapist, Olympic strength and conditioning coach, awesome husband, doting father and Burning Man alumni) are wildly excited to join forces again with Sarah Williams. Sarah, senior teacher and E-RYT 500, has studied and practiced yoga extensively with Jason Crandell whom she's assisted in many Advanced Teacher trainings, and is also hugely informed by her studies in somatic inquiry, Restorative Yoga (Relax and Renew©), Yoga Nidra (iRest© and ParaYoga) and her Masters degree in yoga history.


Inclusive of...
• CERTIFICATION – 200 Hour Certificate upon completion of course, providing eligibility to register with Yoga Alliance as a RYT-200
• MATERIALS – Official, awesome Anna Sugarman Yoga Teacher Training Manual, all classes, workshops led by experts, relevant supplies & props
• ONLINE AWESOME – Monthly livestream call, access to our platform (recorded content and online community) for the duration of the course, unlimited email support
• BACKSTAGE PASS – 1-2-1 Meeting with a lead teacher, Full access to the studio facilities – WIFI, kitchen, lounge, love
• MAGIC – Elements illuminated during your time – elevating knowledge, self discovery, creating memories + shining light upon your path

THE CURRICULUM – Life changing content!

Teaching Methodology
• Safe and ethical adjusting
• Class planning & sequencing
• Seeing and reading bodies and modifications
• Observation and mixed level teaching practice

​Self-Inquiry & Practices
• Led asana, meditation and pranayama practices
• Study and technical analysis of asanas, key alignment points, contraindications and benefits
• Principles of Vinyasa
• Cultivating and maintaining a self-practice
• The importance of savasana and restorative practices
• Mudra
• Mantra

Anatomy & Physiology
• Anatomy in relation to asanas and teaching yoga
• Energetic systems including nadis, chakras, koshas, etc.
• Deconstruction of asanas and alignment focusing on the spine, major joints, appendages, common injuries and limitations, range of motion, planes of motion and safety
• Anatomy of breath
• Flow State science & the neurochemistry behind presence
• Brief intro to Ayurveda

• Introduction to yoga philosophy and texts (The Eight Limbs, Yoga Sutras, Bhagavad Gita, and more)
• Incorporating philosophical concepts into daily life and teaching
• Lineages, styles, and the history of modern postural yoga
• Basic Sanskrit (pronunciation & etymology)
• Creating and nourishing a self-reflective practice

Ethics & Careers
• Launching a Career in Yoga
• Bio Writing, Social Media 101, Business, Marketing
• Continuing Education
• Exploring the student/teacher relationship

• Begin teaching on day one.
• Build your own practice – one that you love so much you can’t help but maintain and cultivate the authenticity and passion to share it with others.
• Practice teaching sequences which will culminate in a 60 minute vinyasa flow that you will be prepared to teach confidently.

Non-Contact Study & Practice
• Reading and assignments
• Home practice
• Observations and assisting


A sweet venue in the heart of the iconic seaside city of Brighton... Just 15 minutes walk from the Brighton Train Station and 15 minutes to the beach, amidst cafes of all sorts and shops to delight, the studio's gorgeous serenity inspires presence and connection – an ideal setting in which to deepen your practice and create sustainable change for your life.


16 In-Person Weekend Days: 9:00am-5:00pm
• 28-29 September 2024
• 26-27 October 2024
• 30 November - 1 December 2024
• 4-5 January 2025
• 1-2 February 2025
• 1-2 March 2025
• 20-23 March 2025

Lifestream Calls: 7:30-9:00pm
• Once a month, between in-person meetings

Check out and inquire!
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Transformational 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training
Join Anna Sugarman in our captivating yoga events. Experience expert-led sessions, delve into mindfulness practices, and elevate your yoga journey with these renowned instructors.

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