Liformers are a bunch of dedicated, joyful go-getters who inspire us daily with their creativity, honesty, and love of yoga. Our ‘Meet the Liformer’ series gives you the chance to get to know them a little better, find out how they practice, and catch their enthusiasm.
Samin Solum is a teacher trainer and yoga professional with over 15 years of experience. She’s studied Iyengar, Ashtanga, Vinyasa, Yin, Power, and traditional Hatha yoga, earning her first yoga certificate in Mysore, India. She is an E-RYT 500 and founder of the Om Mani Padme Hum School of Yoga. She also runs the online platform Samin Yoga Plus, a web and mobile app where Persian speakers can practice yoga and mindfulness.
Where are you from/where do you live?
I am originally from the beautiful region of Northern Iran in Gilan, on the Caspian Sea, and currently reside in the United States.
How did yoga come into your life?
Yoga entered my life during a stressful period when I was looking to improve my physical health and mental clarity. My mom encouraged me to join a local class, and I quickly felt a deep connection to the practice.
What’s your favorite yoga pose?
I love any heart-opening asana.
Tell us about your yoga community.
My yoga community is a vibrant, diverse group of individuals who support and inspire each other. We practice together, share experiences, and grow both individually and collectively. I am very grateful for my yoga community and the bond we have.
Why do you teach?
I teach yoga to share its benefits with others. Seeing my students grow and transform is incredibly rewarding. I believe in giving back to the community, which is why I offer free classes and karma yoga on my YouTube and Instagram accounts to educate and inspire those interested in yoga and mindfulness.
What are you reading?
I am currently reading "The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari," a gift from my beloved students at a recent Bumi Yoga festival in Toronto where I was teaching yoga alongside with other musicians and sound healers and teachers. I haven't finished it yet, but I like it so far.
You’ve decided to cash in your frequent-flier miles. Where are you heading?
I’m heading to Bhutan for a retreat and to explore the beautiful landscapes and rich culture.
At the airport, you realize you’ve forgotten the most crucial thing. What is it?
I realize I’ve forgotten my Liforme Yoga Pad, which is essential for my practice, especially while traveling!

What’s your favourite Liforme Mat?
My favorite Liforme Mat is the new custom mat we made! Because of Liforme’s excellent grip, alignment guides, and eco-friendly materials, plus it features our brand name and unique design!
As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
I dreamed of becoming an archeologist, which explains my deep love for history, architecture, and ancient temples.
Aside from yoga, what do you love to do?
I love learning Japanese. My goal is to teach a yoga class in Japanese some day! I also enjoy cycling in nature, which is meditative for me, and spending time with my family and friends. Traveling is another passion of mine.
What drives continued evolution in yoga practice?
The limitless potential for personal growth and the positive impact on my students keep me motivated.
What’s your motto?
"Namaste from my heart to yours."