Yoga Pride: Liforme is Proud to Support GLAAD and LGBTQ Acceptance All Year

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Yoga Pride: Liforme is Proud to Support GLAAD and LGBTQ Acceptance All Year

In honour of Pride Month, a look at how yoga embraces our shared humanity and our brilliant diversity. Liforme is proud to support GLAAD's LGBTQ advocacy every day of the year.

By Ann Pizer who has been practicing and writing about yoga for over 20 years. Posted on: 6th May 2023

In this Article

In this Article Jump to
  • 01.Embracing our shared humanity is the foundation for celebrating our brilliant diversity.
  • 02.
  • 03.
  • 04.
  • 05. What Makes Us Human
  • 06.United in Yoga
  • 07.Pride All Year

The physical practice of yoga asana offers each of us the opportunity to expand our consciousness of our universal humanity. When we bring our attention to moving, stretching, breathing, and even sweating, we fully inhabit our human bodies. Being immersed in sensation is a reminder that our muscles and bones, our organs, ligaments, and nervous systems all come from the same source: our species, our shared evolution and ancestry. When we go deep into the body, we catch a glimpse of our elemental state. With everything extraneous stripped away, we can see the building blocks of our existence.When we get to the core of what makes us human, it’s a place of acceptance and equality.

Recognition of our common humanity, however, coexists with pride in our uniqueness. Everyone is exactly like you and no one is exactly like you. Both are both true because, to paraphrase Walt Whitman, we contain multitudes. We are both very simple and very complex. Embracing the individuality of every single person can bring us together instead of pushing us apart.

A yoga sangha unites a diverse group of people. Everyone looks different on the surface and has been shaped by a different set of experiences. However, when we all step to the front of our mats and lift our arms toward the ceiling, we are unified in body and spirit. We move as a single organism, held together by the invisible threads of a collective experience. We walk out as our unique selves, but we have been changed by our time on the mat. This transcendent moment is available any time we come together to move our bodies as one in the quest for stillness in the mind.

With any designated awareness day or event, there’s a chance that people will take a minute to note its significance and then move on quickly. Liforme is committed to supporting crucial social and environmental justice movements throughout the year with our giving back initiatives. Though Pride Month is celebrated in June, we’re proud to support LGBTQ advocacy on an on-going basis through our charity partnership with GLAAD, which always receives 3% of the sales of our stunning Rainbow Hope Mat. This mat, which debuted in June of 2020, brought a bit of light into a dark time. Its cheerful yellow colour is an instant mood elevator, its numerous rainbows symbolise hope for a brighter future.

While there are still big challenges in the advancement of equal treatment for LGBTQ people, in June we celebrate how far we’ve come. We recognise the varied and multi-faceted group of people that make up the gay community. We acknowledge the individual and collective impact of the LGBTQ people in our families and lives. We bring our attention to our shared humanity and our wondrous diversity. We wave our rainbow flags for visibility and openness, for pride, and for the joy of it.


By Ann Pizer who has been practicing and writing about yoga for over 20 years.

In this Article

In this Article Jump to
  • 01.Embracing our shared humanity is the foundation for celebrating our brilliant diversity.
  • 02.
  • 03.
  • 04.
  • 05. What Makes Us Human
  • 06.United in Yoga
  • 07.Pride All Year

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