The Liforme Rainbow Hope Yoga Mat: A Light in the Dark

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The Liforme Rainbow Hope Yoga Mat: A Light in the Dark

Liforme’s Rainbow Hope Yoga Mat stands for pride, unity, and hope. With a percentage of sales benefitting GLAAD, this colourful mat is a bright spot in any day.

By Ann Pizer who has been practicing and writing about yoga for over 20 years. Posted on: 2nd July 2020

In this Article

In this Article Jump to
  • 01.After the Rain
  • 02.The Liforme Rainbow Yoga Mat - Yellow Hope
  • 03.Our Charity Partner: GLAAD
  • 04.What About the Mat?

When storm clouds are breaking up, a ray of sunlight cutting through the gloom results in a burst of bright colour, which arcs across the sky. Although we know in the rational part of our brains that there’s a perfectly scientific explanation (something about water droplets and refraction?) for this phenomenon, seeing a rainbow appear like magic never fails to evoke wonder on an emotional level.

A rainbow lifts our mood every single time. It epitomises the beauty of nature, acting as a reminder that whatever dark days are upon us, there is always the promise of something better to come. That when people unite with a common purpose, amazing things can happen. That we are exponentially more powerful together than we are apart.

The Rainbow Hope Mat represents Liforme’s enduring commitment to inclusivity and acceptance of LGBTQ people in the yoga world and in the world at large, because we believe in love without limits and human rights are for all humans. Every person deserves the freedom to be proud of who they are and to live out loud without fear or shame. The rainbow is a symbol of that pride.

The Rainbow Hope Mat represents the union of people of all colours and stripes into a collective that is stronger and more beautiful together. Unity is at the heart of yoga, and our practices help us bring that message off the mat, where our beliefs become actions. We are all part of the same family, branches of the same organism. A blow to any part of our family hurts us all, a victory lifts us all. The rainbow is a symbol of that unity.

The Rainbow Hope Mat represents the light at the end of the tunnel, the glimmer of a better future that we need to sustain us when times are really dark. The basic human goodness of our healthcare workers in the face of an unprecedented global pandemic. The promise that we have the power to change things for the better when we stand together. The rainbow is a symbol of that hope.

In celebration of pride, unity, and hope, we are pleased to announce that we are donating 3% of the Rainbow Hope Mat sales from to GLAAD. Since 1985, GLAAD has been the voice of acceptance of the LGBTQ community, working tirelessly to promote inclusivity and representation in media and culture in order to eliminate discrimination based on gender identity and sexual orientation. GLAAD accelerates LGBTQ acceptance and creates a world where everyone is able to express themselves freely.

Needless to say, the mat is as gorgeous as it is functional. An array of vibrant ROYGBIV stripes make up Liforme’s signature AlignForMe guide against a yellow background. The lotus-inspired central mandala is a riot of petals and mini-rainbows. Printed with our high grade non-toxic and eco-friendly inks, expect Liforme’s usual amazingly grippy surface, multi-layered comfort construction, and truly planet-friendly materials.

The Rainbow Hope Mat represents pride, allyship, a commitment to equality, the willingness to do the work, and the belief that love is love. Our partnership with GLAAD helps support the march toward universal acceptance, a goal in which we can all take pride.


By Ann Pizer who has been practicing and writing about yoga for over 20 years.

In this Article

In this Article Jump to
  • 01.After the Rain
  • 02.The Liforme Rainbow Yoga Mat - Yellow Hope
  • 03.Our Charity Partner: GLAAD
  • 04.What About the Mat?

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