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Have you heard of the Yoga principle of Santosha? It means contentment. If you’re wondering...
You may not know it by name but if you’ve done Yoga then you’ve done...
We go deep with Yoga handstand specialist Mark Das, covering his practice and teaching. If...
Going on a Yoga Retreat is more than just a vacation. Here’s why taking a...
We all know that Yoga improves physical flexibility, but have you thought about how upping...
Why Yoga is such an effective way to improve your flexibility and why your lack...
Grip is a super important quality in a Yoga mat, but one that is surprisingly...
Understanding the difference between a closed and open hip position is the key that unlocks...
We asked popular London Yoga teacher Stewart Gilchrist how he incorporates Patanjali’s 8-limbed path into...
In yoga, alignment is the way to do each pose for the greatest benefit and...
The 8 limbs of Yoga described in the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali are the most...
Liforme’s commitment to the environment goes beyond our innovative creation of a truly eco-friendly high-performance...