Transform Your Energy & Motivation with Yoga

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Transform Your Energy & Motivation with Yoga
Inspire Yoga Poses

Yoga is an ideal way to shift your mindset, transforming your energy levels and motivation. Learn how moving your body moves your mind. 

By Ann Pizer who has been practicing and writing about yoga for over 20 years. Posted on: 20th March 2023

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    We all have days when we feel like we’re standing under a cartoon rain cloud getting drenched. When life is dumping a load of water on your head, your energy levels sink into the floor and your motivation flies out the window. If you can make your way onto a yoga mat, however, you are almost guaranteed to see the sun coming out from behind the clouds. Life isn’t immediately going to be rainbows and butterflies, but you will feel lighter, brighter, and better able to face the weather.

    The Connection Between Yoga and Energy

    • Moving your body in a sustained and focused way clears stagnation and boosts your endorphins, making you feel more energized.
    • Doing yoga reduces stress, which changes your mood, bringing you into a more positive frame of mind.
    • A yoga class takes you out of your routine, allowing you to emerge with fresh energy and perspectives.

    The Connection Between Yoga and Motivation

    • When you’re feeling unmotivated, it helps to clear your mind by hitting your mental reset button. Yoga provides this opportunity.
    • When you are fully occupied with your body, your mind gets a little rest from dealing with its usual rapid-fire array of thoughts.
    • Meditation provides a training ground for releasing your thoughts, which allows you a measure of control over your interior narrative. 

    Yoga Poses for Boosting Energy Levels and Increasing Motivation

    Downward Facing Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana)

    Sanskrit Meaning: Adho (Down) Mukha (Face) Svana (Dog)
    Yoga Level: Beginner
    Pose Type: Standing
    Benefits: Stretches your entire body, particularly the back, legs, and shoulders. Helps improve circulation and increase energy.
    Cautions: Avoid inversions if you have glaucoma.

    1. Begin in a hands-and-knees position.
    2. Curl your toes under and straighten your legs, lifting your hips toward the ceiling and bringing your body into an inverted V shape.
    3. Press into the palms of your hands and releases your heels toward the floor.
    4. Keep your knees slightly bent if it helps you maintain a long spine.
    5. Let your head hang heavy.

    Warrior II (Virabhadrasana II)

    Sanskrit MeaningVirabhadra (a Hindu warrior)
    Yoga Level: Beginner
    Pose Type: Standing
    Benefits: Strengthens your arms and legs and helps improve balance and focus.

    1. Begin in a wide-legged standing position facing the long side of your mat with both feet crossing the Central Line at the arch of your foot.
    2. Turn your front foot so your toes point toward the front of your mat.
    3. Bend your front knee over your front ankle, bringing your front thigh parallel to the floor.
    4. Bring your arms up to shoulders’ height and extend them parallel to the floor.
    5. Take your gaze over your front fingertips.
    6. After several breaths, return to centre and repeat the pose facing the back of your mat.

     Eagle Pose (Garudasana)

    Sanskrit Meaning: Garuda (Eagle)
    Yoga Level: Intermediate
    Pose Type: Standing Balance
    Benefits: Stretches the shoulders and upper back. Requires balance and concentration, which can improve focus and mental clarity.

    1. Stand in Mountain Pose at the front of your mat.
    2. Bend both knees as if you were coming into Chair Pose.
    3. Lift your right foot off the floor and cross your right thigh over your left thigh.
    4. Stay here or wrap your right foot around your left calf. Make sure your hips stay squared to the front of your mat throughout.
    5. Take your arms straight out in front of you.
    6. Cross your left arm over your right arm. Bend your elbows to bring your forearms perpendicular to the floor. Bring your palms to touch.
    7. Slide your shoulder down your back and lift your upper arms away from your chest.
    8. After several breaths, repeat on the other side.


    Tree Pose (Vrksasana)

    Sanskrit Meaning: Vrksa (Tree)
    Yoga Level: Beginner
    Pose Type: Standing Balance
    Benefits: Improves leg strength, core strength, and balance. Requires focus, which calms your mind and reduces stress.

    1. From Mountain Pose, bring your weight into your right leg as you lift your left foot away from the floor. Keep your hips squared to the front of your mat.
    2. Using your hands if necessary, position the sole of your left foot on the inside of your right thigh or calf.
    3. Press your foot into your thigh and your thigh back into your foot.
    4. Keep your balance by focusing your gaze straight ahead.
    5. Bring your hands to Anjali mudra at your heart or lift your arms overhead in a V shape.
    6. After several breaths, repeat on the other side.

     Mountain Pose - Tadasana

    Sun Salutation (Surya Namaskar)

    Sanskrit Meaning: Surya (Sun) Nama (Bow) Kar (Do)
    Yoga Level: Beginner
    Pose Type: Standing Balance
    Benefits: Combining movement with breath helps boost your energy and improve focus while stretching and strengthening every part of your body.

    1. Begin in Mountain Pose.
    2. Inhale - Lift your arms into Raised Arms Pose.
    3. Exhale - Forward fold into Uttanasana.
    4. Inhale - Come onto your fingertips to a flat back.
    5. Exhale - Plant your hands and step or jump back to Chaturanga.
    6. Inhale - Straighten your arms and come into Upward Facing Dog.
    7. Exhale - Lift your hips to Downward Facing Dog.
    8. Inhale - Step or jump forward to a flat back
    9. Exhale - Forward fold into Uttanasana.
    10. Inhale - Come up to stand in Raised Arms Pose.
    11. Exhale - Return to Mountain Pose.

    Incorporating Yoga into Your Routine

    • When you’re feeling unmotivated, it can be tough to get on your mat, even though you know it will make you feel better.
    • Having a regular time for your practice, whether it’s a studio class or a session at home, is the biggest thing you can do to stay motivated.
    • Scheduling yoga into your routine works much better than having an indefinite intention to practice.
    • Read More: 3 Realistic Ways to Get More Yoga into Your Life.

    Making Yoga a Life-Long Practice

    • The long-term benefits of yoga come over time. You don’t need to be strong or flexible to start doing yoga, you just have to start.
    • Taking beginners’ classes at a local yoga studio helps you learn good alignment habits and find community.
    • Read more: Yoga for Beginners: A Complete Guide to Getting Started.

    Move Your Body to Move Your Mind

    As a natural way to boost your energy and motivation, yoga can’t be beat. Consistent practice will only enhance yoga’s stress-fighting benefits. Move your body to move your mind at your nearest local yoga studio today.

    By Ann Pizer who has been practicing and writing about yoga for over 20 years.
    Inspire Yoga Poses

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