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Inspiring the Yoga community, the Liforme yoga blog provides insights, tips & tricks for yogis of all experiences from routines, poses and stories.

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How to Do Pyramid Pose (Parsvottanasana)
10th September 2020 How to Do Pyramid Pose (Parsvottanasana) By Ann Pizer

Build your Pyramid Pose alignment from the ground up, literally, using Liforme Yoga Mat’s AlignForMe...

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How to Do Lotus Pose (Padmasana) and Half Lotus
10th September 2020 How to Do Lotus Pose (Padmasana) and Half Lotus By Ann Pizer

Lotus Pose is often seen in images of meditation, but it’s not right for all...

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How to Do Boat Pose (Navasana) and Variations
10th September 2020 How to Do Boat Pose (Navasana) and Variations By Ann Pizer

Our step by step instructions for Boat Pose offers a few variations and calls out...

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Open Your Heart and Your Hips: 6 Standing Yoga Poses for Home Practice
8th September 2020 Open Your Heart and Your Hips: 6 Standing Yoga Poses for Home Practice By Ann Pizer

This series of six yoga poses is based on the heart and hip opening of...

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The Liforme Rainbow Hope Yoga Mat: A Light in the Dark
2nd July 2020 The Liforme Rainbow Hope Yoga Mat: A Light in the Dark By Ann Pizer

Liforme’s Rainbow Hope Yoga Mat stands for pride, unity, and hope. With a percentage of...

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How to Get Your Family Into Yoga: Lead By Example and They Will Follow
17th June 2020 How to Get Your Family Into Yoga: Lead By Example and They Will Follow By Ann Pizer

As yoga enthusiasts, we want to share the benefits of our amazing practice with our...

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How to Do Three-Part Breath (Dirga Pranayama) to Calm Your Body and Mind
27th May 2020 How to Do Three-Part Breath (Dirga Pranayama) to Calm Your Body and Mind By Ann Pizer

Yoga’s Three-Part Breath works three ways, clearing your mind, relaxing your body’s nervous system and...

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How to Do Upward Facing Dog (Urdhva Mukha Svanasana)
19th February 2020 How to Do Upward Facing Dog (Urdhva Mukha Svanasana) By Ann Pizer

We do Upward Facing Dog a lot in yoga but often with little attention. So...

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6 Types Of Yoga That Are Perfect For Beginners
6th February 2020 6 Types Of Yoga That Are Perfect For Beginners By Ann Pizer

Yoga beginners, don’t be put off by all the different types of yoga out there....

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Yoga Means Union: When We Come Together, We Can Change the World
5th February 2020 Yoga Means Union: When We Come Together, We Can Change the World By Ann Pizer

Yoga means union and boy do we need some. We’ve seen how division is used...

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How to Do Dolphin Yoga Pose (Ardha Pincha Mayurasana)
22nd January 2020 How to Do Dolphin Yoga Pose (Ardha Pincha Mayurasana) By Ann Pizer

Learn how to safely and effectively practice Dolphin Pose. This yoga pose is a version...

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You Make the Magic: Yoga’s Power is in the Practice
16th January 2020 You Make the Magic: Yoga’s Power is in the Practice By Ann Pizer

Advanced yoga poses may seem impossible at first but through consistent practice over time they...

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Yoga Poses Practice Reflect Inspire Lifestyle Beginners Environmentalism Mental Health Mindfulness

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